Project 2a: Site Analysis & Site Scanning
Learning Outcomes of this Project:
Ability to identify famous architects and their works
Understanding basic architectural compositions of solids, planes, lines and frames.
Ability to Diagram and analyse architectural work of selected architect
To investigate and to explore how spaces are created from the making of architectural elements: architectonics.-solid, planes, lines and frames. Upon completion of the project student should be able to achieve a level of understanding on the works assigned and will be able to apply the idea and concept to their project later.
The idea of using pure and diagrammatic drawing to express the architectural idea would also be in cooperated into this assignment.
Angela Brooks & Lawrence Scarpa
Solar Umbrella House:
The Solar Umbrella home was built for principals Lawrence Scarpa and Angela Brooks to house themselves and their young son. Sustainability was made a top priority, with the goal being responsible living for the 21st century. Inspired by Paul Rudolph’s Umbrella House of 1953, the Solar Umbrella provides a contemporary reinvention of the solar canopy—a strategy that provides thermal protection in climates with intense exposures—using photovoltaic panels to provide 100% of the home’s energy needs. In addition to the photovoltaic solar panel array, the home’s green aspects including solar hydronic heating panels, a storm-water retention system, and an airy, open design, with environmentally sound materials throughout. Many of the materials finishes are highly unconventional: eco-friendly and cost-effective building materials that are traditionally hidden from view are repositioned here as unusual and aesthetically appealing design elements.
But even considering all of Solar Umbrella’s individual sustainable features, none can compete with the simple fact that the architects’ comprehensive, holistic approach to the design raises the whole well above the sum of its parts. Careful, thorough consideration of environmental, livability, and aesthetic factors at every step of the design and implementation have produced a true exemplar of sustainable design excellence, garnering Brooks + Scarpa (formerly Pugh + Scarpa) Architects our second AIA/COTE Top Ten Green Project Award.
Diagramming of Solar Umbrella House:
The main aim of Project 2a is to identify and analyze the site context for project 2b and 2c design exploration. The class will be divided into groups, to carry out a site analysis. The data collected on site will then be taken back to the studio for analysis and presentation. Each student must then synthesis the data for their own design proposal.
Site Scanning requires students to observe and explores the physical characteristic of the site. They are to observed, experienced and ‘scan’ it onto series of A5 postcard. ‘Scanning’ would entail the analysis and representation of the natural physical context onto abstract forms. The product of this exercise will then be translated to conceptual ideas for the following projects.
Modern Architecture Studies in Southeast Asia (MASSA) Research Unit
Bachelor of Science (Honours) (Architecture)
Circulation Of Barract Tea House, Cameron Highland:
Project 2 b : Tea For Two
In group of two, you are to begin with a volume in the form of a solid cube 3 x 3 x 3 meter. By selecting a tea culture as your activity, you are to design a structure of delight for the purpose of tea drinking. It shall include the activities of preparing, drinking, eating, relaxing, meditating etc. in which furniture and appliances must fit and be incorporated with the spatial planning. This structure should correspond to the site that you have chosen. Adequate access, circulation and fenestration are mandatory.
The aim of this project is to generate form and space through architectural conceptualisation, with the emphasis on exploring the user requirement and simple spatial organization skills and design intentions to develop an architectural proposition. Students will be shown the importance of using the art of crafting and making: drawing(s) and model(s) as a critical design tool as part of the design process.
British Tea Culture:
I'm doing British Tea Culture with my partner Wong Soon Fook. Afternoon tea or low tea is a small meal snack typically eaten between 4 pm and 6 pm. High tea (also known as meat tea) is the evening meal or dinner of the working class, typically eatenbetween 5 pm and 7 pm.Traditionally, high tea was eaten by middle- to upper-class children or by blue collar workers when they came home from work. The term "high tea" was used as a way to distinguish it from afternoon tea. Though it is often stated that the words "low" and "high" refer to the height of the tables from which either meal was eaten.
We using the high and low concept to design a high and short table to show the culture of British Tea Culture. Besides that, we used rhythm concept to create an invisible outer appearence that blend with natural inspired by the different height of contour. It can reflect the sunlight with the shiny metal surface and absorb sunlight by the solar panel to produce electrical energy. It gave an openess space, surface refraction that reduces the temperature inside will give you a new experience for Tea-Drinking.
Project 2c: Tea House
On your own, you are to further develop your tea pavilion into a tea house at Cameron Highland. A tea house denotes ‘A place affording peace, quiet, privacy and security’ ….. where its occupant/s would reside for a short period of time. This tea house must function as habitable architectural spaces to enable the activity associated with living, dining, cleansing, cooking, storage and such within the built up space of 150 square meter. The relationship between your design and the context is also important in making the tea house unique to its landscape and activity.
Objectives of Project
The objectives of this project are:
• To introduce the notions of concepts, program and process in architectural design
• To introduce students’ to the understanding of user specific design requirements
• To introduce the notions of space, form and function in architectural design
• To introduce awareness of site specific design and the process of site analysis
Learning Outcomes of this Project
1. interpret and analyse simple site context
2.interpret and analyse client’s character and needs in relation to the design of a small building a simple building type that meets user requirements and respect site context that balances both internal (architectural
spaces/layout/circulation) and external (aesthetics and forms) design values
-I'm using the Rhythm and Hierarchy concept in this project. Rhythm in architecture is the repetitive use of a group of visual elements, at least three times, to establish a recognizable “pattern.’’ Simple examples of rhythm are the alternating window and column arrangement of most high rise office buildings. More complex rhythms make use of what in jazz music is called "counterpoint", that is, two or more intersecting or overlaid rhythms. A hierarchy is an arrangement of items (objects, names, values, categories, etc.) in which the items are represented as being "above," "below," or "at the same level as" one another. These concepts were the concept that I had applied in Project 2b.
Day 1 Day 7 Week 2
Initially, I play with different size of rectangular shape and arrange it into a form. This form show the rhythm shape and hierarchy outer appearence. Then, I come out with the conceptual model and I start to plan the flow of space of my design.
The first conceptual model Second Conceptual model and site model in Final model with scale 1:100
scale 1: 100
Building Plan
Site Plan scale: NTS Floor Plan scale 1 : 100
North Elevation scale 1 : 100 South Elevation scale 1 : 100
West Elevation scale 1: 100 East Elevation scale 1: 100
Section A-A scale 1: 100 Section B-B scale 1: 100
Panorama View of my site.
Presentation Board
British Tea Culture:
I'm doing British Tea Culture
in previous project. So, in this
project, i add an english garden
to my design because most of
the British houseshave their
own tea drinking garden.
Besides that, I usedweatherboard as the main material that often used to build Western country's houses. In addition, the hierarchy outer appearence also related the low tea & high tea of British Tea Culture that i used in Project Tea For Two.
Development Of Model:
Mockup Model Final Model
Site Plan First Conceptual Model Second Conceptual Model Final Model
Model of Tea For Two Project
A3 Presentation Board of Tea For Two