SCHOOL OF ARCHITECTURE, BUILDING & DESIGN Research Unit for Modern Architecture Studies in Southeast Asia Bachelor of Science (Honours) (Architecture)
Building Structures (ARC 2523)
Prerequisite: Building Construction 2 (ARC2213)
Project 1
Fettuccine Truss Bridge
Truss is a structure built up of three or more members which are normally considered being pinned and hinged at the joints. The following figure shows different types of trusses. Load applied to the truss is transmitted to joint so that each individual members are in either pure tension or compression.
Objectives of Project
The objectives of this project are as follows
- To develop student’s understanding of tension and compressive strength of construction materials
- To develop student’s understanding of force distribution in a truss
- To design a perfect truss bridge which fulfils the following criterias: o High level of aesthetic value o Minimal construction material
Learning Outcomes
- Able to evaluate, explore and improve attributes of construction materials
- Explore and apply understanding of load distribution in a truss
- Able to evaluate and identify tension and compression members in a truss structure
- Explore different arrangement of members in a truss structure
Project 2
Extension of a R.C. bungalow
The project is an integrated component where it involves structural theory, force calculation and basic structural proposal. This project is designed to allow the demonstration of knowledge and understanding of building structure.
Objectives of Project
The objectives of this project are as follows:
-To introduce the basic process of building structures design process to the students.
-To enable the students to have a holistic experience including Concept and Structure Layout Design, Building Structure Engineering Considerations, Structure Members Sizing and Calculations, Final Report and Presentation.
Learning Outcomes
-Produce a complete documentation on structural system of a case study
-Explore and understand the concept of structural analysis
-Identification of structural components
-Recognize, Execute and implement basic procedures of building structure design
-Produce a structural proposal
Proposal of Extension- Gynasium, Meditation, Fitting Room, Reading Room, Balcony
Structural Proposal of beam and column
Project 1 Report